A video series about poverty
The Pov.ology video series is a small group curriculum created by Kevin Wiebe, pastor of New Life Christian Fellowship (NLCF), Tilbury, Ontario. Pov.ology was made in association with NLCF and the Evangelical Mennonite Conference (EMC) and was officially released on November 26, 2016.
Wiebe created this series as a gift to the church: for the church he pastors, the conference of which he is a part, and the broader church. No payment is required to stream or download the videos or discussion guide, though a donation page has recommendations from Wiebe of several organizations you may send a donation to in lieu of payment for the series.
Wiebe’s purpose in producing the series is clear: “At times in the church there is a gap between what we profess to believe, and the way we live. This is very evident in how the church approaches poverty and people experiencing poverty. There are times when the church does amazing things, which validates their message in ways no words ever could—their ministries are bright lights in their community. Then there are times when churches fail to help those around them, and the message of hope that the church preaches can seem hollow because of the lack of follow-through. I hope this series can help spark conversations that aid in narrowing the gap between our message and our actions as Christians and as the church.”
The series is comprised of 6 videos:
- Session 1: Our Homeless Leader
- Session 2: Putting Our Money Where Our Mouth Is
- Session 3: Responding to Poverty
- Session 4: Do No Harm
- Session 5: What About the Gospel?
- Session 6: The Power of Small Things