Rosedale Network Publications

This 100-year history of Rosedale Network was researched and written by Nathan E. Yoder (1955-2020), former professor of Church History and university archivist at Eastern Mennonite University & Seminary. The 419-page volume was published by Herald Press in 2014.
Request Book – Suggested Donation is $10

The Kingdom Come curriculum, commissioned by the Publication and Literature Committee of Rosedale Network, was developed by a writing committee consisting of Chris Jones, Elmer Lehman, Conrad Showalter, and Phyllis Swartz. The material was published on August 1, 2014. read more…
Available Rosedale Network Literature
Contact the Rosedale Network office to obtain the literature listed below.
Complimentary Pamphlets: (recipients will be charged S & H)
- Bible Study for Beginners
- What Does it Mean to be a Conscientious Objector?
- Rosedale Network Constitution
- The Church and Civil Government
- Conservative Mennonite Conference: A Short History (1971) by Richard Showalter.
Items with Suggested Donations: (plus S & H)
- Conservative Mennonite Statement of Theology (español)…… .75 ea.
- Conservative Mennonite Statement of Practice (español)…….. .75 ea.
- History of Rosedale Network (1910-1985) Ivan J. Miller…………………………. $10 ea.
- Together in the Work of the Lord (2014)……………………………. $10 ea.
- Kingdom Come (2014)………………………………………………………. $25 ea.